Specializing in family, newborn, maternity, first birthday & children's photography.
Rebecca Groller Photography is based in the Lehigh Valley and serves surrounding areas in Pennsylvania & New Jersey.
Tips for a Successful Session
Tips for prior to your session
If your child is 3 years old or younger, we highly suggest bringing 2 adults for the success of your session. Typically we need 1 adult close to the photographer to help with smiles and the other close to the child for safety/posing.
If your child is teething, it may be a good idea to give your child some Tylenol before the session for their comfort.
If your child is in a diaper, please make sure to bring a matching diaper cover/bloomers as diapers will not be edited out of images.
It is very important to try on outfits before the session to ensure that they fit properly and that there are no missing buttons, broken zippers, stains, etc.
If possible, bring your child(ren) dressed in their outfits ready for the session.
Remove temporary tattoos and bandaids as well as hair ties, fitbits, apple watches, and items from your pockets as they will show in the photos.
Make sure your child naps and eats before the session if appropriate for time of day.
Bring a clean snack or treat in case your child needs an incentive during the session.
Remove stickers from the bottoms of shoes being worn as they will show in the photos.
Bring wipes and tissues to clean faces before and during the session.
Bring a hair brush/comb to fix your child's hair during the session.
Be timely- plan to arrive a few minutes early. Late arrivals will lose that time from their session.
Studio Session Specific
We do not allow anyone who is ill in the studio as safety is our highest concern. If your child or anyone in your family is not feeling well the day of the session, please call or email to reschedule. It is our job to capture everyone as they are, however, we would all prefer a happy smiley child. If you need to reschedule, we would appreciate notice within 4 hours of the session or even a heads up a day or two in advance should any family member start to come down with something.
If you have included family photos, that set will be photographed first.
If there is inclement weather or it is wet outside, please wear different shoes to the studio, and bring separate clean shoes for the photos as we try to keep sets clean and sanitized.
Outdoor Session Specific
If your child or anyone in your family is not feeling well the day of the session, please call or email to reschedule. It is our job to capture everyone as they are, however, we would all prefer a happy smiley child. If you need to reschedule, we would appreciate notice within 4 hours of the session or even a heads up a day or two in advance should they be starting to come down with something.
Make sure you are choosing clothing appropriate for the season. Layers are always a good idea as the weather is unpredictable and inconsistent.
Be mindful of hairstyles with different weather conditions.
Bug spray may be helpful during certain seasons (especially in the Fall). Please consider bringing it for you and your child(ren).
Holiday Session Specific
For Holiday Sessions...If you have included an ELF theme, that will be photographed last.
Tips for during your session
Once dressed and ready, please wipe faces and noses before photos start.
Be prepared to sing and act crazy. Your child will smile more easily for you than for someone they've just met.
Stand behind the photographer to help get your child to smile at the camera.
Keep in mind that the session is fast paced as we are trying to get many different looks while your child is happiest.